Once I started my Master of Web Engineering, I realized I loved to research about how to improve the technology, read and write articles, and to build prototypes. As a consequence, I decided to move towards a scientific career looking to find in the investigation my final destination.
Since 2008, I collaborated with the MDE-OOTLAB research group in the University of Oviedo in which finished my master thesis as well as wrote several articles for journals and conferences. In the context of this group, I focused on Software Engineering areas such as Model Driven Engineering and Business Process Modelling. However, thanks to the experience obtained during my Master and my daily routine at the industry, a wish raised on me -- ¨To work abroad as researcher¨. As a result, I board on my trip and ... Since 2009 to 2012, I did my PhD as a member of MYRIADS research team in INRIA (National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control). In Myriads, I focused on service oriented computing on Grids or Clouds infrastructures. In particular, I was working on decentralized workflow execution using a rule-based programming models to solve the existing drawbacks on service coordination systems.
From August 2012 till October 2013, I worked as a postdoc in the ConPaaS research team at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. This team was enclosed into the distributed systems group of the mentioned university. During this year, I was working on elastic resource provisioning systems in distributed and heterogeneous infrastructures. As a result, I designed and succesfully implemented a novel autoscaling system for web applications in heteregoneous Clouds.
As a continuation of my Dutch experience at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, I joined a great research group called Sofware and Services (S2) in which I am currently doing my second postdoc. A part from my teaching duties, my research topics of interest are focused on energy-aware systems and software in large infrastructures. Finally, I managed to combine two of my main concerns environmental friendly approaches and software design.